Algatron pure energy based on algae 500 ml.
We pack the bonsai in order to guarantee the life of the plant
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Active Every Day From 09:00 - 18:00
What to use it for:
ALGATRON is a natural specialty obtained from brown seaweed. The production process allows to keep intact all the natural substances of the seaweed such as carbohydrates, vitamins, essential amino acids, polyphenols. ALGATRON, thanks to the natural substances it contains, significantly improves germination and root development, intensifies natural defenses against biological stress such as frost, drought or nutritional and physiological imbalances, and promotes the growth and ripening of fruit and vegetables.
Also ideal product to use as a nutritional support for any species of bonsai.
When and how to use it:
ALGATRON can be used on any plant, particularly indicated in the early vegetative phases (post-sowing/transplanting, spring recovery) and in the final phases to improve the qualitative characteristics (size, color, flavor, etc.) and the shelf life of fruit and vegetables. ALGATRON promotes and improves the absorption of nutrients, it is therefore excellent to use together with other fertilizers precisely to increase their assimilation by the plant.
Dilute one measuring cap (18-20 ml) in 2 litres of water and water the soil directly. Repeat treatments every 10-12 days
- Days of preparation
- 2
0 a 100 Kg. | from 0.35 until 5 € for Kg + Additional fix cost (depending to your EU-ZONE) |
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