Preparation times
Preparation times are indicated in green on the relative page of each product on sale, and indicate the timing in days, from order confirmation to shipment. For example, if a product has a preparation time of 7 days. it means that it will take 7 days from order confirmation. in order for the product to be ready to be shipped, the shipping times indicated below must then be added to these.
Shipping Times
Shipping times are indicated in the order check-out phase, where the courier available for shipping your order will be indicated. Below the details of our couriers.
Couriers and shipments
Shipping to mainland Italy and Island: by BRT or TNT express courier 24/48 hours.
Shipping abroad: by BRT or DHL courier.
For very bulky shipments, during the check-out phase you can choose between the GLS courier or the FERCAM courier, a cheaper courier but with shipping times of around 3/4 working days.
The delivery of the goods will always take place at street level.
Upon delivery of the goods by the driver, SIGN WITH RESERVE if you believe that the packaging is not intact, damaged, wet or otherwise altered in any way, even in the sealing materials (adhesive tape or metal straps).